Photo Projection Jewellery FAQ

  1. What is Photo Projection Jewellery?

    Photo projection jewellery is an exceptional kind of jewellery that enables you to carry your cherished memories and photos with you in a customised and fashionable way. They are unique pieces of jewellery that feature an image or text hidden inside a small gem. These images are created by microphotography, which was originally invented about 150 years ago. This process uses photolithography to scale down an image and etch it onto a thin, curved surface.

    The resulting image is inlaid on a molded lens and projected onto a surface when held up to a light source – much like an old-fashioned slide projector would cast images on a screen or wall. When this lens is placed in the center of an elegant necklace chain, all you need is a light such as the torch on your phone and you can project your favourite memories wherever you go.

    It employs a lens to project the image onto a flat surface, such as a wall, and can be viewed using a torch, one eye, or a phone camera.

    When does Photo Projection Jewellery make a great gift?

    Photo projection jewellery makes an outstanding gift for any event, including birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, and holidays. It is also an excellent way to remember a loved one or commemorate a special event.

    What types of photos can be used for photo projection jewellery?

    You can use any photo or image for photo projection jewellery, as long as it is clear and high-resolution. Some popular options include family photos, pet photos, travel photos, and wedding photos.Customers have reported that a single subject makes the clearest projection image, several subjects can still be used as the image, but some distortion may be present when projected around the outside of the photo.

    Can I customise the design of the photo projection jewellery?

    Yes, most sellers of photo projection jewellery offer customisation options. You can choose the shape and style of the jewellery, as well as the photo or image that will be projected.


    What materials are commonly used to make photo projection jewellery?

    Photo projection jewellery can be crafted from a variety of materials, including sterling silver, gold, rose gold, and stainless steel. The choice of material used will depend on your personal preference and budget.

    Are there any maintenance or care tips for photo projection jewellery?

    To keep your photo projection jewellery in good condition, it is recommended to clean it regularly with a soft cloth and avoid exposing it to water or harsh chemicals. You should also store it in a dry and cool place when not in use.

    How do I properly size photo projection jewellery for myself or as a gift?

    To properly size photo projection jewellery, you can use a measuring tape to measure the circumference of your wrist, neck, or finger, depending on the type of jewellery. You can also consult the seller's size chart or contact them for assistance.

    Where can I find a high-quality and dependable seller of photo projection jewellery? of course! We have a wide and ever expanding range of quality photo projection jewellery for everyone, and with a free gift box, free shipping and a quality guarantee you can be sure your purchase is the treasure that it should be. 



    infographic of how to use photo projection jewellery